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Press Release

New High Shear Mix System

January 10, 2001
Bogard Lagman - Executive Vice President, today announced the introduction of a new High Shear Mixing and Dispersing System.

This new Model 405SB System includes an In-Line SLIM (solid liquid injection system), and a 50 gallon jacketed recirculation vessel for high speed powder induction. The system is constructed of easily cleanable stainless steel and includes a solids addition hopper and holding tank. Also included is a multi-stage High Shear Mixer and a complete control package, pre-wired for immediate start-up after installation. The system can be wheeled into position easily, used to inject solids into a process stream or stationary mixing vessel, then wheeled away to start work on another process line.

In-Line and Batch models of the SLIM system are available in a wide range of sizes from 1 1/2 hp to 100 hp. The systems can be custom designed to meet each individual users process requirements.

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