Press Release
New High Pressure Discharge System Offered
January 12, 2003
Ross is now offering a Specially Designed High Pressure ( 200 psi ) Discharge System. This new system is typically used to discharge non-flowing high viscosity products, after they have been mixed in a Ross Change Can Mixer. The system typically features an elevated base to accommodate discharge direct to a filler or to transfer containers.. With the simple push of a button, the Discharge System provides complete discharge of the product and reduces labor costs and material waste.
The Discharge Vessel is totally flush with the interior of the mix can and is available with special cartridge filling adapters.
A test unit is available in the Ross Test and Development Center. Also available are a range of high viscosity mixers such as the Double Planetary Mixer, the PowerMix (Planetary Disperser) and the Dual/Triple shaft mixers