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Press Release

New Batch Dilution System Offered

August 5, 2002
Rob Lanham, General Manager of Ross SysCon,has announced the completion of a special Batch Dilution System . The system was designed to combine powder, a solvent and de-ionized water and to maintain a minimum temperature of 80„aC during the mix cycle. A Ross High Shear Rotor Stator Mixer including the unique SLIM (solid liquid introduction manifold) was used to introduce the difficult to wet powders to the system. The entire system was designed so that it is portable and can be moved within the clients facility. All wetted parts of the system are of stainless steel and are polished to enable easy cleaning when it is required. The control panel is set up so that it can be operated either manually or automatically. Further information on this or similar systems is available by contacting Rob Lanham at Ross SysCon, Tel: 1-912-238-5800 or by email: [email protected]

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