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Press Release

Benchtop 100LC High Shear Mixer

August 31, 2002
The Model 100LC High Shear Mixer being offered by Charles Ross and Son Company is designed to be the most versatile bench-top laboratory mixer available.

The 100LC is the most powerful and versatile rotor/stator mixer ever built for the laboratory. A power lift makes raising and lowering the mix head as easy as pushing a button. The mixer includes as standard features: - % of load indication - Timer - Temperature probe - Variable speed control to 10,000 rpm - Four interchangeable stator heads - Type 316 stainless steel wetted parts

The Batch model 100LC can also be supplied with optional Micro attachments for 50-500 ml batches, an In-line assembly to simulate continuous processes and a High Speed Disperser assembly with interchangeable mixing blades. Units are stocked for immediate shipment and are also available for free in-plant trial rentals.

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